Objective: Introduction and Overview of Application
Objective: Images and link to GitHub provided
Objective: This is an optional lesson for those unfamiliar with Solidity.
Objective: Creating the Bike Rental smart contract
Objective: Finishing the smart contract and deploying to the Binance Smart Chain testnet
Objective: Setting up our React project, Chakra UI, and building out the Navbar and Homepage.
Objective: Building the Dashboard UI
Objective: Connecting to our Metamask Provider and testing a call to our smart contract
Objective: Creating a registration form for the renter
Objective: Populating the Dashboard with dynamic values from our Smart Contract and the Blockchain
Objective: Adding some UI notifications on error and adding more security to our smart contract
Objective: A bonus lesson for you to implement. Creating an owner dashboard where he or she can view the balance of the contract, their cut of that balance, and a feature to withdraw their earnings.